poetry journal
Alligator Jade
Spilt into two identical haves,
the avocado’s buttery flesh,
as ripe as Inanna’s pregnant belly, rests
encased in verdant-green elephant skin,
ready to dip with fish & chips
while tipping pints & flinging arrows
at Dick Turpin’s Front Street tavern
where spiritual Canterbury travellers
gather & exchange twisted tales
gleaned from tent Vancouver city sages,
paper bag pubs & iPhone apps,
revering the alligator-pear with equal
appreciation, eating it quickly before
the mature fruit begins to brown, leaving
only a large pit to pierce with toothpicks,
place in water, plant as a new tree.
Sterling Warner is an award-winning, author, poet, and English Professor. His works have appeared in literary magazines, and anthologies including Trouvaille Review, and Danse Macabre. His poetry/fiction collections include Rags & Feathers, Edges, Serpent’s Tooth, Flytraps (2022), and Masques: Flash Fiction & Short Stories. Currently, Warner writes, hosts 'virtual' poetry readings, and enjoys retirement.