poetry journal
Winter beach with the salt storm froth,
foam scuzz, rope tangled, weed knot flotsam.
Driftwood and a dan flag.
Mermaids purse.
Cuttlefish bones and a bottle from Japan,
pine cone and a 12 bore cartridge.
Sunset of the shortest day. Ice cold, blood red.
West wind. Black clouds racing, tendrils of sleet.
On the sea, white veils. Rainbows trail into dusk,
In a cave we shelter and hug.
I breathe through the hair of your head.
If you ever remember, remember this.
It was where I took you to show you that I loved you.
Pete Chambers is a poet from Cornwall. He likes swimming in the sea, splashing in far away coves. His dream is to live this life as long as possible and for people to read his poems and for it to mean something to them. Some of his work can be found in Tempest: Wild Weather Collections and Wave Hub: New Poetry from Cornwall